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Flugzeug Hagelsturm

Austrian Airlines Plane Damaged by Hailstorm

Cockpit Windows and Nose Cone Torn Off

Plane Lands Safely in Vienna Despite Extensive Damage

An Austrian Airlines Airbus A320 flying from Mallorca to Vienna was severely damaged in a hailstorm on Tuesday, forcing the pilots to land the plane in Vienna without visibility.

The plane was flying about 25 miles east of Vienna when it encountered the storm. The hailstones were reportedly as large as golf balls and caused extensive damage to the cockpit windows and the nose cone of the aircraft.

The pilots were able to land the plane safely in Vienna despite the damage. There were no injuries to the 169 passengers and crew on board.

Austrian Airlines said in a statement that the damage to the plane was "extensive" and that it would be out of service for several days while it is repaired.

The hailstorm was part of a larger storm system that brought heavy rain and flooding to parts of Austria on Tuesday. The storm caused widespread damage and left thousands of people without power.

The incident is a reminder of the dangers that can be posed by severe weather. Even large aircraft are not immune to the effects of hailstorms, and pilots must be prepared to take evasive action if they encounter one.
